Grammar Humour
In a real sense words + grammar = communication.
Man kan finde meget på internettet om grammatik - her er et par citater:

There are so many great grammar rules that I can't decide between them.

Between good grammar and bad grammar, good grammar is the best.

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Tips for proper English

(all said tongue-in-cheek)

1. Verbs HAS to agree with their subjects.

2. Never use a preposition to end a sentence with. 
Winston Churchill, corrected on this error once, responded to the young man who corrected him by saying 
"Young man, that is the kind of impudence up with which I will not put!

3. Don't use no double negatives.

4. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.

5. Don’t use commas, which aren’t necessary.

6. Correct spelling is essential.

7. Try to not ever split infinitives.

8. Make each pronoun agree with their antecedent.

9. It is important to use apostrophe’s correctly.

10. Always read what you have written to see you any words out.

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