The famous personalities
Jenny Lind(1820-1887)
Jenny Lind was a Swedish music artist.
In 1843 Jenny Lind was in Copenhagen, there she lived with August Bournonville, and it was here she met H.C.Andersen for the first time.
H.C.Andersen felt deeply in love with her, and was fascinated by her music and voice.
Regrettably she didn’t have the same feelings for him. She was on the contrary stand-offish to him.
August Bournonville (1805-1879)
H.C.Andersen and August Bournonville were close friends.
August Bournonville was the founder of the Danish ballet traditions, which are preserved today.
The two friends inspired each other a lot, for example: August Bournonville got his inspiration to the ballet ‘’A Fairytale in Pictures’’ from H.C.Andersen.
Adalbert von Chamisso (1781-1838)
Adalbert von Chamisso was a German poet.
H.C.Andersen & Adalbert von Chamisso were good friends. They met each other for the first time in Berlin in 1831, were Andersen handed Adalbert Von Chamisso some poems which Adalbert later translated in to German.
The translated poems made H.C.Andersen famous in Germany, even before his fairytales were published, in Germany.
Giuseppe Josef Vincenzo Antonio Siboni (1780-1839)
Italian Opera singer.
He was the director at the Royal Theatre, in Copenhagen.
He tried to give H.C.Andersen some singing lessons, but it was in vain, because the management of the Royal Theatre had already been advised not to hire Andersen in a letter from the King.
Xavier Marmier (1809-1892)
Xavier Marmier was a young French journalist.
He came to Copenhagen in 1837, because he was very fascinated by Nordic literature. It was here he for the first time met H.C.Andersen. They formed a friendship, which helped him in becoming famous. Because of Xavier Marmier he became famous in France.
Adam Oehlenschläger (1779-1850)
Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789-1862)
Adam Oehlenschläger and Bernhard Severin Ingemann are two famous Danish personalities from the Romantic Period. B.S.Ingemann was a priest and a writer, Adam Oehlenschläger was a poet. By the way he was the one who wrote the Danish Anthem.
‘’Bakkehuset’’ in Frederiksberg was then a meeting place for some of Denmarks greatest cultural personalities, among them was A.Oehlenschläger, B.S.Ingemann and even H.C.Andersen.
H.C.Andersen tried to get in the Danish poets ‘’circle’’, so he could be an reputable artist, and with the help of the circle he got to know Ingemann and Oehlenschläger.
C. E. F. Weyse (1774-1842)
The Dane Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse was born in Altona(Slesvig), he was a composer and an organist at ‘’Den Reformte Kirke’’ and later at ‘’Vor Frue Kirke’’ He had music pupils (singing pupils) and was a very productive composer.
C.E.F. Weyse was an important person in the Danish songhistory, and he was actually a professor in music.
He met H.C.Andersen for the first time in 1819 at one of Giuseppe Sibonis’ dinnerparties.
Weyse was sorry for the poor Andersen and started raising money so Andersen could get a specific amount of money every month.
In the 1830’s C. E. F. Weyse and H. C. Andersen met each other several times, but they never became close friends.
Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853)
Ludwig Tieck was a poet from the Romantic period.
J. C. Dahl (1788-1857)
J.C.Dahl was a famous landscape painter.
Johan Christian (Clausen) Dahl from Norway and Johann Ludwig Tieck from Germany have had a great influence on H.C.Andersen’s life and abilities. H.C.Andersen met Ludwig Tieck for the first time in Dresden(Norway), and it was here Tiack gave him the ‘’Kiss of Poetry’’, which was a symbol that meant that he now was a reputable poet.
J.C.Dahl inspired Andersen to see the beauty in nature and his invironment and how to reproduce it.
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