Sproghandlinger - Imperativ med forskelligt indhold - Engelsk
Quiz - Hvilken sproghandling karakteriserer bedst det engelske udtryk?
"Find a seat and I'll get the drinks" 
- invitation
- warning
- threat
- instruction
- suggestion
- direction
"Do that and I'll knock your teeth in" 
- suggestion
- instruction
- threat
- direction
- warning
- invitation
"Connect the hose to the water supply" 
- instruction
- invitation
- warning
- direction
- suggestion
"Turn left at the traffic lights and take the third turning on the left"
- suggestion
- threat
- direction
- warning
- invitation
"Watch your glass" 
- invitation
- instruction
- direction
- warning
- threat
"Have a drink" 
- warning
- direction
- invitation
- suggestion
- instruction