Daily assignment


To-days’ assignment:
The daily assignment, was an assignment, which we got, when we where in city visiting museums. It was sent to us via a PDA. Every day at 12 o’clock, the teachers uploaded the assignment.
The assignments were very different for every group. It could be for instance that we were to find a building or a statue in the city, and find out what it had to do with H.C. Andersen.



”From a Window in Vartov”. This is the title of a Danish short story by H.C. Andersen made in 1847.
A long time ago,Vartov was placed in Hellerup, at the end of Strandvejen and Vartovvej. It was here it got its name.
The coachmen screamed in bad German “Waartho”, which means “watch out!”. Vartov was an institution, which toke care of the sick and poor pleople. In 1666 Vartov was moved to where it is today, on the corner of Farvergade and Vestervoldgade. N.F.S. Grundtvig became minister of the church in Vartov in 1838, where he was in almost 34 years, untill 1872.

TodayVartov is owned by a community called Christian Society. Here you can find a library and the Vartov church, which still stands. Be course some of the buildnings are from the 18th century, they are all preserved.